Which book is best for IIT preparation?


Preparing for the Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination (IIT JEE) requires a strategic approach and access to the right study materials. With numerous books available in the market, it can be overwhelming for aspiring students to choose the most effective ones. In this blog post, we present a comprehensive guide highlighting the best books for IIT JEE preparation. These books have proven track records, offering in-depth content, practice exercises, and valuable insights to help students excel in their exam preparation.

1. "Concepts of Physics" by H.C. Verma:

H.C. Verma's "Concepts of Physics" is widely regarded as one of the top choices for physics preparation. It covers the fundamental concepts with clarity and provides a plethora of practice problems that enhance problem-solving skills. The book serves as an excellent resource for building a strong foundation in physics.

2. "Organic Chemistry" by Morrison and Boyd:

For organic chemistry, "Organic Chemistry" by Morrison and Boyd is considered a classic. It offers a comprehensive understanding of the subject through detailed explanations and examples. The book's wide range of practice problems enables students to master organic chemistry, a crucial component of the IIT JEE syllabus.

3. "Mathematics for Joint Entrance Examination JEE (Advanced): Algebra" by G. Tewani:

G. Tewani's book on algebra is highly recommended for mathematics preparation. It covers a broad spectrum of algebraic concepts and provides ample practice exercises, including previous years' questions and model test papers. The book's comprehensive approach helps students develop a strong grasp of algebra, a vital topic for the IIT JEE exams.

4. "Physical Chemistry" by O.P. Tandon:

When it comes to physical chemistry, "Physical Chemistry" by O.P. Tandon is an invaluable resource. The book offers clear explanations, step-by-step problem-solving techniques, and a vast collection of practice questions. It covers topics such as atomic structure, thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, and more.

5. "Problems Plus in IIT Mathematics" by A. Das Gupta:

A. Das Gupta's book is highly recommended for students seeking additional practice in mathematics. It includes a wide range of challenging problems, enabling students to enhance their problem-solving skills and develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. The book covers topics like calculus, algebra, trigonometry, and coordinate geometry.


Choosing the right books is crucial for effective IIT JEE exam preparation. The mentioned books - "Concepts of Physics" by H.C. Verma, "Organic Chemistry" by Morrison and Boyd, "Mathematics for Joint Entrance Examination JEE (Advanced): Algebra" by G. Tewani, "Physical Chemistry" by O.P. Tandon, and "Problems Plus in IIT Mathematics" by A. Das Gupta - provide comprehensive coverage of the respective subjects. Alongside these books, students should also utilize other study materials, solve previous years' question papers, and seek guidance from mentors or coaching institutes. With diligent preparation and the right resources, aspiring students can boost their chances of achieving success in the highly competitive IIT JEE exams.


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